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English original of a text by Arthur Maynwaring cited by Ricardo García Cárcel (1998)

El 1998, a "La opinión catalana sobre Francia en la primera mitad del siglo XVIII", Ricardo Garcia Cárcel reprodueix un text "traducido de un supuesto original inglés". He pogut localitzar l'original de dos dels tres paràgrafs en qüestió... i una curiosa referència a com veuen els "castellans" els "aragonesos"!
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Ricardo Garcia Cárcel (1998). "LA OPINION CATALANA SOBRE FRANCIA EN LA PRIMERA MITAD DEL SIGLO XVIII", a Actes del Simposi "Catalunya i Europa a l'Edat Moderna", Pedralbes 18, II, Universitat de Barcelona, Departament d'Història Moderna. p. 421-437.

p. 424:

"...De la apelación catalana a Inglaterra es muy significativo el texto que se edita en Cataluña traducido de un supuesto original inglés que se opone a las negociaciones de paz tal y como se están llevando. En el texto se pone en evidencia las contradicciones entre los que habían sido objetivos de la guerra y el desengaño actual. Redactado posiblemente por un whig, el escrito manifiesta una enorme obsesión antifrancesa con precisa exposición de los riesgos económicos comerciales que implicaría la consolidación de Felipe V como rey de España lo que era lo mismo, la dirección de España, por el rey de Francia:

  • "( ...) He aquí la la [sic] mala consequencia de la presente Negociacion de Paz (...): Y es, aver arruinado la reputacion de los Aliados, desanimado a los Amigos, y hecho renacer las esperanças de sus Enemigos, y de un pérfido Partido entre ellos, de Género, que dicha negociacion ha puesto en peligro la presenta Aliança, y dexado a los Aliados incapazes de formar jamás otra (...). 
  • (...) No pretende assentar, que el ceder la España al Duque de Anjou, es unirla directamente a la Francia, aunque si este Principe, y el Delfin muriessen sin hijos, nada naturalmente, impediria la union de estas dos Coronas. Pero al mismo tiempo me atrevo a assegurar, que si el Duque de Anjou quedara establecido en esta Monarquia, dependerá enteramente de su Abuelo (...) las fuerças Navales de Francia defienden su establecimiento en las Indias, los Vaxeles Franceses sirven de Comboy a sus Galeones y Comercio, y lo que mas es, los Franceses tendrán parte en uno, y otro (...). 
  • (...) No nos lisonjeamos con la esperança, que nuestros nuevos Aliados los Franceses continuaran a dexarnos gozar de este Comercio lucrativa. Se imagina alguno, que la libertad de Comercio, que la Francia ha conseguido, no será exclusiva a todas las demás Naciones? Permitieron los Franceses que nosotros embarquemos para las Indias Occidentales nuestras mercaderias sobre los Galeones, como hemos hecho en el passado, teniendo ellos muy suficientemente las suyas propias, que las podian dar a mas baxo precio? (...) No disponian convertir los Tesoros de la America en uso de la Francia? Qué seguridad podemos tener tocante a nuestras propias Possesiones en aquellos Paises, si los Franceses tuvieren el mando? (...)1


Text original:

The life and posthumous works of Arthur Maynwaring, esq; containing several original pieces and translations, in prose and verse, never before printed. To which are added, several political tracts written by him, before and after the change of the ministry. London, printed for A. Bell [etc.] 1715.

If the late Ministers wanted Light in so difficult an Affair as they were entring upon: Here Mr. Maynwaring offers it to them, sets before them all the Ill Consequenccs of the bad Peace they were Negociating; warns them of the Ruin they were bringing upon their Country, and leaves them without the least pretence to an Excuse for their Conduct: They went on blindly, rashly and obstinately, they had Views beyond even the putting an end to the War;  They had a Revolution in their Heads, and a King to impose upon us, by the help of France, which they must despair of effecting, if all Consequences of their ill Peace did not happen, as our Excellent Author saw they wou'd, and tells 'em as follows),.. 

  First, As to the Consequences of this Negotiation: There is one that must needs be obvious to the whole World; it must certainly dissolve all Trust and Agreement among the Allies; and sure nothing that weakens the Alliance can tend to secure our own Dominions, or to reduce France. I have already seen that there are two things in which the Allies have particularly promis'd to perform. One is, To act jointly and openly with the rest of the Confederates: The other, To exist the Emperor in asserting his right to Spain: But secret steps have been now made towards Peace, without the Concurrence or Knowledge of all the Parties; and Measures have been taken for Dividing that Succession, which the Allies are engag'd to preserve entire. A Design has been laid for disposing of the Spanish Monarchy in favour of one who has no Right to it, without the Consent...


P. 263:
I will not pretend to say, That the giving of Spain to the Duke of Anjou is directly uniting it to France, tho' if either that Piince or the Dauphin should die without Children what could possibly hinder the Union of those Crowns? But this I will venture to affirm in the mean time (and no body I believe will deny it) that if the Duke of Anjou be settled in that Monarchy, he must entirely depend upon the Protection of his Grand-father, and be under a Necesssity of fllowing his Advice, and of peomoting his Designs: The French Naval force must defend his Possessions in the Indies; the French Ships must convoy his Trade and his Galleons: Nay the French themselves will have a share in both: The whole Expence of the War to support the Duke of Anjou in his Throne, will be charg'd as a Debt upon Spain: Sea-ports, Frontier-Towns, and Settlements in the South Sea will be made Security for the Payment of it; and a good Pretence will never be wanting to seize any part of those Dominions. 

   For Proof of all this, I need only to mention a Treaty concluded between the Duke of Anjou and his Grand-father, which has been seen by most foreign Ministers of our own and other Nations; by this, Treaty it is agreed that France shall be reimburs'd for all past and future Expences, and new Forts and Settlements, with all Advantages of Commerce, are given to that Nation in the West-Indies. And though the Chamber of Sevil refus'd for sone time to ratify this Treaty, yet it is well known that after the victory of Saraagosa, they did at last consent to it, on Condition...

P. 264:
... that the French King would send an Army to support their Monarchy. Upon this the Duke of Vendôme was commanded to Spain with a Body of Forces = And it is suppos'd the French had before withdrawn their Troops for this very End, that the Spanish might be oblig'd by Necessity and Danger to agree to that Treaty. For the People of Castile have so footed an Aversion for those of Aragon that the French well knew, they would rather submit to any Terms with them, than receive their lawful King at the head  of his lawful subjects. And it is also as well known, that in pursuance of this Treaty, a French Squadron was this Year sent to Àmarica to tnake possession of the Settlements, which were granted there to that Nation. 
   Those therefore that talk of the Duke of Anjou's turning Spaniard, amuse us with vain and foolish Hopes: They might have pleas'd themselves with such Views two Years ago but this Treaty has for ever put an End to such Dreams. Nor is this all, but we learn from the Brussell's Gazette of no older a Date than November the 3d, that the Count de Berjeijck, the present Treasurer of Spain, who is a Fleming by birth, and in the Interest of France,  had just then prevail'd with the King to want a new Declaration in favour of the French Trade in America, and other Parts of that Kingdom.

  The Monarchy then of Spain being thus apparenty govern'd by the Councils of France, will in effect be as useful and advantageous to that People, as if it were absolutely united to their Kingdom: And the French, who never fail to weaken those that depend upon them, in order...

P. 265:
...to continue their Subjection, will have no end in directing the Aftairs of Spain, but the Increase of their own Power and Riches: They will grow every Day more and more formidable, till the other States of Europe are forc'd to submit. For what can resist the Strength of those two Monarchies, when their Arms and their Interest shall be united? And what has not Europe to fear from the Power of one Kingdom and the Riches of the other, when manag'd by a Prince that knows how to improve all Advantages? What will become of Britain in particular, when the Spanish will no Ionger off our Manufaaures, for which we us'd to have Returns in Bullion? And how shall we be able to manage any other Trade, especially that to the East-Indies, when we shall have no Supplies of Money from Spain?

   Nor let us flatter our selves with Hopes, that our new Allies the French will continue to us the enjoyment of this molt gainful Commerce: Does any Man imagine that the Liberty of Trading which France has obtain'd, will not be exclusive of all other Nations? Will the French suffer us to ship our Goods for the West-Indies on Board the Galleons, as we us'd to do, when they themselves shall have sufficient of their own, and will be able to afford them cheaper? Will our new Allies be so generous and good natur'd to let us into a Share of those Advantages. which if they please they may engross to themselves? Is this the Character of the French Nation, or have their former Practices given us any Grounds to expect such Grace and Goodness? When a Prince of their own Nation shall be settled in  Spain, will not they take care...

P. 266
...that all the Treasures of America shall be converted to the Use of France? Nay, what Security can we have, even for our own Possessions there. when the French shall have the absolute Command of that World? They will certainly be able, with the Assistance of the Spaniards, to ruin all our Plantations: They will obtain new Settlements in the North as as well as in the South. And from thence they will distress our Northern Colonies, interrupt their Commerce with the Southern,  and perhaps destroy them both. This is no more than may reasonably be expected from their present Power in Canada, their Influence and Practices upon the Indians, and the great Number of their Ships which will every Year increase, while the Fleets of Great Britain and Holland will decay. And what will then become of those two Maritime Powers which have so well supported the common Cause? What will become of the Liberties of Europe, so gloriously defended in a War of twenty Years, when the Navy and Troops of French shall be paid with the Riches of Peru? Then will be the Time for Spain, with the united Force of France, to recover not only Jamaica and our other Possessions in the West Indies, bnt Portugal, and the Seven Provinces, to all which they still pretend a Right; and then will be the Time for rooting out effectually the most damnable Northern Heresie and for replanting the Catholick Faith, not only in America, but in Europe.

   When our Author has fill'd the Reader's Mind with these just and terrible Ideas of the ill...


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