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Source: The life and posthumous works of Arthur Maynwaring, esq; containing several original pieces and translations, in prose and verse, never before printed. To which are added, several political tracts written by him, before and after the change of the ministry. London, printed for A. Bell [etc.] 1715.
p. 246:
The British Minister objected to him, That the Substance of this Article was Foreign to the Subject of the Treaty, which the States themselves had all along desir'd might be confined to the Guaranty of our Succession and their Barrier. That Minister perceiv'd by what the Pensionary said, That nothing of this Nature was ever design'd to be inserted, till Monsieur Sinzerling had allarm'd the Dutch with the Discovery of the Treaty of Commerce concluded between Her Majesty and his Master, and the Negotiation for the Island of Minorca. Nor wou'd he at last have been prevail'd with to consent to this Part of the Article, cou'd he have thought there was any Hopes of Her Majesty's preserving the good Effects of those Treaties to Her own Subjećts exclusive of all others, after such a Step taken, by one of the King of Spain's Ministers, and the Declaration which Count Sinzendorf told him he had made to the Pensionary, by the King of Spain's Orders, That His Majesty always intended the States shou'd be upon an equal Foot with the English, in Point of Trade to all his Dominions; especially confidering, that whenever the King of Spain shou'd come to be settled on his Throne, he would still have so much Occasion for the Friendship and Support of the States, which he cou'd never hope to purchase, but by establishing their Trade on as favourable Terms, as that of any other Nation whatsoever. These Reasons induc'd him to think, that there cou'd accrue no real Advantage to Her Majesty and Her Subjects, from insisting upon leaving out those Words; but on the contrary, that his not consenting to them at that Critical Juncture, when the States were by all possible Management, to be kept firm to the Recovery of the whole Spanish Monarchy, might have endanger'd their accepting the Advantages that were daily offer'd them from France, as well in Relation to the Low-Countries, as to their Spanish Trade, and consequently oblig'd us to an ill Peace, and have broken all Confidence between the Two Nations for ever. Besides which, seeing the Court of Barcelona were never heartily dispos'd to the Performance of their Treaty with Her Majesty, (which is the least that can be ...
p. 247:
... inferr'd from their voluntary and unseasonable divulging of so important a Secret) the British Ministry thought much more for Her Majesty's Service, by joyning with the States in this Particular, to ensure the Performance of that Treaty, or any other that should be thought necessary for the Benefit of our Trade, exclusive of the French or any other Nation whatsoever, than to depend upon the Courtesy of the Court of Barcelona, for the Execution of a Treaty which they took Care to express such Uneasiness under, even before it took place.*
* There is a similar text in an "Extract from a letter from Lord Townshend [not Arthur Maynwaring], to Mr. Boyle, concerning the Barrier Treaty, dated at the Hague, the 26th of November, N.S. 1709". 14h Feburary 1711, Volume 17, p. 89.,%22&source=bl&ots=1EJX4Mmyr-&sig=ACfU3U3XTOfe59w4esAcel-1WOTJApi4vQ&hl=ca&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjE7_fL7ZfoAhVj5OAKHZfsDU0Q6AEwAHoECAIQAQ#v=onepage&q=%22whatsoever.%20As%20to%20what%20is%20contained%20in%20the%20separate%20Article%2C%22&f=false
p. 250
...To prove this she was pleas'd to order a Letter she had receiv'd from Spain, containing an Account of the Success of her Arms there, to be laid before the House, and desir'd them ...
p. 251 consider of the speediest Way for restoring of the Monarchy of Spain to the House of Austria. ...
... In 1705, the British Army reduc'd Barcelona, the whole Province of Catalonia, and other Parts of the Spanish Monarchy. In 1706 were fought the Battles of Ramellies and Turin, and the Monarchy of France as well as of Spain was shaken. Upon these and other Successes Her Majesty in Nov. 1707, at the opening of the first Parliament of Great-Britain, observ'd to them with great Satisfaction, that it was become more easy for all the Allies to joyn their Assistance for enabling the King of Spain to reduce the whole Spanish Monarchy to his Obedience. This was the Point Her Majesty had still most at heart: On this Foundation the War was built, and when the Queen intended to to hearten her Subjećts in the Continuance of it, it was with giving them the pleasing Prospect that it would be crown'd with this End. In February following she told the House of Commons, that restoring the Spanish Monarchy to the House of Austria, was the principal Inducement to the present War, and she was sensible that on the Success thereof, not only the Trade and Tranquillity, but the Security of Great-Britain, did in great Measure depend. But our late Managers, not considering what would be the Consequence of giving up our Trade, and sacrificing our Tranquillity and Security, made a Jest or rather a Crime, of the principal Inducement of that War, which they reproachfully term'd a Land Consuming one, when they had resolv'd to put an Infamous End to it. There are not Words in our Language to express Sentiments and Resolutions, more strong than those of the Queen, with respect to the Recovery of the Spanish Monarchy for
p. 252
for the House of Austria, and the Votes and Addresses of the two Houses of Parliament, were always agreeable to the Speeches from the Throne. Let us see what Mr. Maynwaring writes on this Subject, in his abovementioned Remarks.
The first thing our Parliament resolv'd, after the Declaration of this War, was, To return Her Majesty their humble Thanks for it: This was done in Ottober, 1702, and in November, 1703, the House of Lords presented an Address, Extolling her Majesty's great Zeal, which carried her even beyond the Obligations of Her Treaties in Defence of the House of Austria, and for the glorious Restitution of that Family to the Monarchy of Spain. And the House of Commons in their Address the same Session, express'd their grateful Sense of what Her Majesty had done, by engaging the King of Portugal and the Duke of Savoy in the Alliance, for recovering the Monarchy of Spain from the House of Bourbon, and restoring it to the House of Austria. In November, 1705. the House of Lords declard, That they concurr'd with her Majesty in her just and noble Sentiments, that no Peace could be lasting, safe and honourable, till the Spanish Monarchy was fix'd in the House of Austria. And the Commons profess'd, That they were fully convinc'd, the Balance of Power in Europe could never be restor'd, till the Monarchy of Spain was in Possesion of the House of Austria. In November, 1707, the first Parliament of Great-Britain declar'd, That no Disappointments should discourage them from making their utmost Efforts to enable her Majesty to reduce the whole Spanish Monarchy ...
p. 253
... to the obedience of the King of Spain. And in December following, both Houses' presented an Address to the Queen, in which They humbly offer'd their unanimous Opinion, that no Peace could be honourable or safe for her Majesty, or her Allies, if Spain, or the West-Indies, or any Part of the Spanish Monarchy, were suffer'd to remain to the House of Bourbon.*
* A Similar text is quoted here:
Letter from a Tory freeholder to his Representative in Parliament, upon her Majesty's Speech to Parliament on the subject of Peace, June 6th, 1712. 8vo. London, 1712, p. 22.,+by+engaging+the+King+of+Portugal+and+the+Duke+of+Savoy%22&hl=ca&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjB-MLw-JfoAhXsVRUIHYl8D8AQ6AEINDAB#v=onepage&q=%22Sense%20of%20what%20Her%20Majesty%20had%20done%2C%20by%20engaging%20the%20King%20of%20Portugal%20and%20the%20Duke%20of%20Savoy%22&f=false
p. 287
..."Nor is this a new Scheme set on foot since the late Emperor's Death; which some will pretend was the Occasion of the present Measures: This Peace was projećted long before he died, as appear'd not only by the Weekly Examiners and other Papers ; but also more particularly by the gross Neglect of Spain, even since the present Ministers had a General of their own in that Service. For tho' at the opening of the last Sessions of Parliament, the Queen was pleas'd to recommend a vigorous Prosecution of the War in all Places, and particularly in Spain: Tho' that War seem'd to be the principal Care of the Administration at that time; and tho' an Estimate larger than in any former Year, was given into the House of Commons, for the Expence of that War in the Year 1711, and the Money was voted accordingly; yet it will appear upon Examination, that very small Supplies have been remitted to Spain in the last fourteen Months, notwithstanding Her Majesty's express Care of that Service, and the Parliament's chearful and large Provision for it. And how great an Aggravation will it be of this Neglect, if hereafter it shall-be shewn, that for want but of a moderate Supply, Opportunities were lost this Year, of making a successful Campaign in that Countrey; and that if we could have brought our Army into the Field, we shou'd not have been oppos'd by the Enemy, who were in the utmost Want of Necessaries of all kinds. What Account therefore can be given, of this Management, but that the War was...p. 288
... purposely neglećted in Spain, to give a plausible Pretence for yeilding up that Monarchy, by a Peace? And what did we mean in making great Instances to keep King Charles in Catalonia, for fear we should lose our Footing there, when at the same time we were carrying on a Treaty with the French, for surrendring to them the whole Kingdom?"Tis now no Secret that the Clamours of the Party against carrying on the War in Flanders, and pursuing it with the greatest Vigour in Catalonia, was only a Pretence to hinder its being continued any where; for no sooner were they in possession of the Administration, than they ended it effectually in Spain, first by neglecting it, and then by deserting the Imperialists, and giving up the Catalans, whom they left to be butcher'd or enslav'd, as is now the sad Fate of those brave Assertors of Liberty, abandon'd by its irreconcileable Enemies."
Wikipedia:Arthur Maynwaring or Mainwaring (9 July 1668 – 13 November 1712), of Ightfield, Shropshire, was an English official and Whig politician who sat in the English and British House of Commons from 1706 to 1712. He was also a journalist and a polemic political author.
See also: English original of a text cited by Ricardo García Cárcel (1998):
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