Read all about it in WHAT CATALANS WANT!
A book by Toni Strubell.
"The idea ... that nothing is simple within this world filled with constitutional compromises, remaining grievances, conflicting loyalties, competing identities, uneasy allegiances, uncertain borders and unpredictable outcomes can be used to explain what is happening now in Catalonia, the Basque Country, Ireland and Scotland and also in places such as Quebec and Kurdistan." (Colm Toibín, Prologue).
Toni Strubell has interviewed 34 politicians, journalists, sportsmen, economists from Catalonia and abroad,
Here is a sample of the book:
Catalonia Press has produced both full color(978-1-61150-009-7) and black and white (978-1-61150-011-0) editions of “What Catalans Want”, as well as EPUB (978-1-61150-012-7) and Kindle (978-1-61150-013-4) electronic editions of the book. For more information or press packages, see or contact Liz Castro.
More information:
Un llibre per explicar Catalunya al món...
No et compris aquest llibre!
Compra'l ...
... per a aquell amic d'Erasmus que no acabava d'entendre què t'empatollaves.
... per a aquell empresari que no entén perquè no pot trobar un vol directe a Barcelona.
compra'l i ajuda'ns a escampar-lo pel món, a fer conèixer la nostra situació, el que volem nosaltres!
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