Hundreds of thousands of Catalans demonstrated peacefully for over three hours in the centre of Barcelona on Saturday December 1st 2007, to protest about the chaotic state of transport infrastructures in Catalonia, as a result of decades of under-investment by central government. Many also called for independence from Spain.
This was the largest demonstration in Barcelona since the massive one on February 18 2006, calling for respect for, and acknowledgement of, Catalonia's right to decide on its own future.
Sobirania i Progrés came out in force, alongside many dozens of other organisations.
Articles and videos (in Catalan):
· News report
· News report (video, Vilaweb, 3m 19s): video
· News report (video, after ad): video
· Manifesto (after ad): video
· A second manifesto calling on the Valencian regional government not to close down the booster stations that have let Valencians pick up Catalan TV for 20 years, and to withdraw a crippling 300,000 Euros fine: "Toni Albà llegeix un comunicat per reclamar el dret de continuar veient TV3 al País Valencià en la manifestació de l'1-D pel dret de decidir". Manifesto (video, Vilaweb, 30s): video
Other articles (in Catalan):
· La Malla: Marxa massiva per reclamar infraestructures dignes (Massive march to demand worthy infrastructures).
· El Punt: Catalunya diu prou. Centenars de milers de manifestants exigeixen el dret a decidir (Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators demand the right to decide).
· Avui: Catalunya diu prou. Res no atura la indignació (Catalonia says enough. Nothing can stop our indignation).
· El Periódico: El malestar català ocupa el carrer (Catalan discontent takes to the street).
Articles (in Spanish)
· La Vanguardia: Decenas de miles de personas toman el centro de Barcelona para reclamar su derecho a decidir (Tens of thousands of people take over the centre of Barcelona to demand their right to decide).
· Diari de Balears: Marxa massiva a Barcelona per poder decidir les infraestructures (Massive march in Barcelona to be able to decide on infrastructures).
· Público: Serio aviso al centralismo (Serious warning to centralism).
· El País: La manifestación por el caos de Renfe deriva en un clamor independentista (The demonstration on the chaos in Spanish railways gives way to a clamour for independence).
· El Mundo: Miles de catalanes reivindican su derecho a decidir sobre las infraestructuras Thousands of Catalans demand their right to be able to decide on infrastructures).
Article (in English)
· Baltimore Sun: Transport chaos fuels Catalan nationalism.
Article (in French)
· Le Monde (1 Dec 2007):
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