Dies des del Referèndum de l'u d'octubre de 2017

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casquets, Italia

M'agradaria que algú que hi entén m'expliqués la història de la fabricació d'aquests casquets, òbviament del temps de la guerra espanyola (un hi posa 1937). Deuen ser del calibre 65 mm.

Personalment crec que deu ser munició del 
Cannone da 65/17 (Materiale di artiglieria leggera someggiabile), una peça de l'exèrcit italià.

Gràcies per endavant!



1. Guess where [I'll write "Scotland", but just to illustrate the questions] a judge in charge of an antifraud office, can say "We've shattered Scotland's health system".

__ UK     __ Spain    __ Botchistan    __ Rep. Bananera

Click here to see the right answer

2. Guess where the Interior Minister says he can get the public prosecutor to present false evidence to the courts to smear Scotland's pro-indy political leaders.

__ UK     __ Spain    __ Botchistan    __ Rep. Bananera

3. Guess where the Interior Minister can leak false information to the press to influence an election campaign in Scotland.

__ UK     __ Spain    __ Botchistan    __ Rep. Bananera

4. Guess in what country the top Court has barred resolutions of a regional Parliament, or tried to ban votes being held?


__ UK     __ Spain    __ Botchistan    __ Rep. Bananera

__ UK     __ Spain    __ Botchistan    __ Rep. Bananera

__ UK     __ Spain    __ Botchistan    __ Rep. Bananera

__ UK     __ Spain    __ Botchistan    __ Rep. Bananera

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