
Catalonia in "A Letter to the People of England..." (1714)

The betrayal of the Catalans by Queen Anne with the Tories in power brought this strongly worded rebuke in the anonymously published "A Letter to the People of England occasion'd by the Letter to the Dissenters".
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Philippe De Commynes (1447 - c. 1511) mentions Roussillon

Philippe de Commynes (1447 - c. 1511) mentions Roussillon which had been left as security by King John of Aragon, in return for the Frnech king's involvement in suprressing a civil war against John in the mid-15th century.
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Philippe De Commynes (1447 - c. 1511) parla de regions fidels i regions explotades

This is either dynamite (looking at France, but equally applicable to Spain!), or well known to historians - which I am not, though both my parents were ;-)
The cannon-fodder regions "versus" the wealth-creating regions, and all to bolster up the regime!
Plus a juicy opinion about the origin of French - Spanish enmity.
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El padre Juan de Mariana cita Philippe De Comines

El padre Juan de Mariana va citar Philippe De Comines quan parla de les relacions entre els reis de Castella i França.
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Case 31: el fatídic cas núm. 31 de COVID-19 detectat a Corea del Sud (16 MAR 2020)

(Traducció automàtic per Google Chrome, revisada i corregida per M. Strubell. Espero que no hi hagi problemes de copyright: crec que el tema és d'interès general)
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L'espanyolisme sovint es refereix al possible ideologia feixista d'una part d'Esquerra Republicana en els anys 30, concretament les Joventuts d'Esquerra Republicana - Estat Català. A dia d'avui, el tema només té un interès acadèmic: fa decennis que l'independentisme català abandonà del tot les formes militaritzants.
Clica aquí si cal per accedir al text sencer.


Text by Arthur Maynwaring on the betrayal of the Catalans "to be butcher'd or enslav'd" (published 1715)

In 1715, a book of texts by Arthur Maynwaring was published in England. He writes of the betrayal of the Catalans "to be butcher'd or enslav'd".
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English original of a text by Arthur Maynwaring cited by Ricardo García Cárcel (1998)

El 1998, a "La opinión catalana sobre Francia en la primera mitad del siglo XVIII", Ricardo Garcia Cárcel reprodueix un text "traducido de un supuesto original inglés". He pogut localitzar l'original de dos dels tres paràgrafs en qüestió... i una curiosa referència a com veuen els "castellans" els "aragonesos"!
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Virgil Simons and chat on Radio Kanal Barcelona (13 FEB 2020)

My conversation with Dr. Virgil Simons on Radio Kanal Barcelona
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