
El pluralisme a la TV i la ràdio consumida pels catalans

En aquest post hi ha enllaços a diferents estudis sobre el pluralisme als mitjans audiovisuals que són consumits a Catalunya.

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Consell de l'Àudiovisual de Catalunya
INFORME 40/2017: El pluralisme als espais d’opinió de la televisió. Període de l’11 al 30 de setembre de 2017.
(TV3, 3/24, TVE a Catalunya, La1, Canal 24 H, Telecinco, Antena 3 TV i La Sexta)
Àrea de Continguts  
6 de novembre de 2017
97 pp.

Vegeu https://www.cac.cat/detall.jsp?Njg%3D&MQ%3D%3D&L2RldGFsbENvbnRlbnQ%3D&ODE1

Consell de l'Àudiovisual de Catalunya
Informe específic de pluralisme a la televisió i a la ràdio durant la campanya de les eleccions generals 2016 (del 10 al 24 de juny)
  • Els informatius diaris TN migdia (14:30-15:30) i TN vespre (21:00-21:45) de TV3; la roda informativa de 9:30 a 10:00 del 3/24; Catalunya migdia (14:0014:30) de Catalunya Ràdio; 8 al dia (21:00-21:35) de 8tv; el 14/15 (14:00-14:15) de RAC1; L’informatiu migdia (14:00-14:25) de TVE Catalunya; el TD1 (15:0015:55) i el TD2 (21:00-21:55) de La 1; Informativos Telecinco (mediodía) (15:00-15:35) i Informativos Telecinco (noche) (20:00-20:35) de Telecinco; i Noticias 1 (15:00-15:45) i Noticias 2 (21:00-21:35) d’Antena 3 TV.  
  • Els magazins i altres espais informatius susceptibles de comptar amb continguts relacionats amb les eleccions dels canals TV3, 3/24, TVE Catalunya, 8tv, La 1, Telecinco i Antena 3 TV i de les emissores Catalunya Ràdio i RAC1.
Àrea de Continguts  
13 de juliol de 2016
263 pp.

Informe: L’espiral del silenci a anàlisi. La pluralitat ideològica en l’eix nacional a les tertúlies catalanes i espanyoles
Sílvia Martín i Daniel Camon
6 de novembre de 2014

Informe relatiu al pluralisme informatiu dels mitjans de ràdio i televisió de Catalunya
"El Parlament de Catalunya, d’acord amb la Llei 2/2000, del 4 de maig, insta el Consell de l’Audiovisual de Catalunya a elaborar un informe relatiu al pluralisme informatiu dels mitjans públics de ràdio i televisió de Catalunya i a presentar-lo a aquest Parlament en el transcurs del primer trimestre de l’any 2001.” (Resolució 341/VI, BOPC núm. 115, pàg. 30).
15 de juny de 2001.
24 pp.

Catalonian Regional Election 2017 Interim Report: https://democracyvolunteersdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/catalonian-regional-election-2017-interim-report1.pdf

"Table 1 indicates that the print media is almost entirely negative towards Catalan independence. At best the majority of the coverage was neutral, for example in El Mundo, and, at worst, the newspapers supported the campaign for unionism with enthusiasm, in El Pais and El Periodico. Only ABC showed any suggestion of balance in coverage. (NB Due to paywall issues, it was not possible to code La Vanguardia at this time and this will be done for the final report)."

"Table 2 indicates that the TV media, in the case of TV1 and TV2, is also heavily pro-Union, if not to the degree that the newspapers are. Only TV3 showing proportional coverage with balance between the two sides of the independence debate. The newly created Catalan News online TV station coded as being neutral but this was because of the content being primarily from party events during the election. The stories the station chose were, however, heavily weighted in the direction of the independence movement and its candidates.
Other TV stations were also coded and these will be included in the final report of the deployment. Although, these statistics reflect the Independence/Unionist political cleavage, in the nature of the debate, there was considerable care taken by the national TV stations to ensure equality of coverage for the parties, in the television debates that took place. In some cases, this even included an on-screen clock to express this."
"Radio stations, as seen in Table 3, can also be publicly and privately owned. Indeed, one Catalonian radio station, Catalunya Radio, received criticism and potential sanction from Madrid, for apparently breaching the strict terms of impartiality that public corporations should maintain. However, although it does seem that Catalunya Radio is more supportive of independence the national Spanish radio station, RNE, seemed biased against independence, if not to the same degree."

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