

Corrupció política a Catalunya i Espanya / Political corruption in Catalonia and Spain

This covers the period 2011-2016.

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November 2014:

"Corrupción en España: más de 1.900 imputados y al menos 170 condenados en más de 130 causas". Europa Press.

a. The number of politicians charged and/or condemned, by Autonomous Community or City.
(Only interactive through website).

Number of accused politicians, by autonomous community.

Number of accused politicians per million inhabitants, by autonomous community.

Number of accused and/or guilty politicians per million inhabitants, by autonomous community.

b. Number of politicians found guilty, by case.

The figures are estimates based on published information. According to Europa Press, during the last legislature there were 1,900 people accused on corruption charges awaiting trial, and at least 170 have been found guilty of such charges..


See http://www.lainformacion.com/policia-y-justicia/delitos-corporativos/este-es-el-mapa-de-la-corrupcion-del-partido-popular-en-espana_NPHQrJWMPJJAsnBhKWZlU1/

31 March 2017

Number of accused politicians, by autonomous community.


31 July 2017

Number of accused politicians, by autonomous community.

Corrupción en España: más de 1.900 imputados y al menos 170 condenados en más de 130 causas

Las cifras de la corrupción en España muestran que hay más de 1.900 personas imputadas en causas abiertas por corrupción y al menos 170 han sido condenadas por este tipo de delitos en la última legislatura.

Leer mas: http://www.europapress.es/nacional/noticia-radiografia-corrupcion-espana-mas-1900-imputados-menos-170-condenados-mas-130-causas-20141102111941.html

(c) 2015 Europa Press. Está expresamente prohibida la redistribución y la redifusión de este contenido sin su previo y expreso consentimiento.
Source: http://www.vozpopuli.com/actualidad/procesados-acusados-corrupcion-cifras_11_989711020.html
The paper claims that 210 Catalans (over two thirds of the total) were charged in the 3rd quarter of 2015, 45 in the 4th, 33 in the 1st quarter of 2016, 1 in the 2nd, and 14 in the 3rd quarter.

Comment: The data does not seem to be comparable to that of the 1st quarter of 2017 issued and uploaded on the CGPJ website www.cgpj.es.
Some go up enormously, led by the ten-fold apparent increase in Catalonia (30 --> 303), far overtaking the five regions that headed the list on March. Valencia actually goes down (62 --> 51) as does Castella-Lleó (34 --> 9).
Madrid also soars up, increasing seven-fold, from 20 to 145.
It seems clear that the two sets of data, given by the same source, are not comparable. Given the media's insistence - despite all the previous evidence - that corruption in Catalonia is far worse than anywhere else, I regard the latest data, apparently issued on July 31 2017, as highly suspect. In particular, what were the 210 Catalans in the 3rd quarter of 2015 charged with?

Well, Roger Rué managed to clear this up. He too found it very odd that so many non-EU citizens were in the statistics (75: 45 men and 30 women). The string of his tweets starts with this one:
He concludes thus:

Of the 210 cases that quarter, the 75 couples and two civil servants in the arranged weddings accounted for 152. Hardly "political corruption" in any sense of the term. How many of the other 58 cases, that same quarter, were really political in nature?

I can't get more data or press articles on this. However, in the same period the issue was covered here, for Madrid: https://www.elconfidencial.com/espana/2015-09-15/el-coladero-de-la-tarjeta-de-la-ue-6-000-euros-por-casarse-con-una-gitana-espanola_1016484/

This manipulation of the data on Catalonia fuelled philosopher Fernando Savater to claim, in a right-wing Nationalist newspaper, that ‘Cataluña es la región más corrupta de España’, exactly 81 years after Franco's disastrous military coup. (


For other data on corruption, see:
Gràfics, mapes i dades sobre la relació Catalunya - Espanya - Món

Another source, noted for its hostility towards all things Catalan, claimed in 2013, on the basis of an EU report, that "Cataluña es la región más corrupta de España" and that "Bruselas advierte de que las administraciones catalanas salen muy mal paradas en cuanto a calidad y transparencia". It blames the low score on a number of cases, the most important of which only hit the fan after 1 February 2010, when the last data were gathered for the report!

Report: Regional Governance Matters: A Study on Regional Variation in Quality of Government within the EU, by Nicholas Charron, Victor Lapuente and Lewis Dijkstra.

The 15 Survey Questions Incorporated in the Regional QoG Index
Rule of Law-focused questions
■ ‘how would you rate the quality of the police force in your area?’ (low/high, 0-10)
■ ‘The police force gives special advantages to certain people in my area.’ (agree/disagree, 0-10)
■ ‘All citizens are treated equally by the police force in my area’ (agree, rather agree, rather disagree or disagree, 1-4)
■ ‘Corruption is prevalent in the police force in my area’ (agree/disagree, 0-10)
Government Effectiveness-focused questions
■  ‘how would you rate the quality of public education in your area?’ (low/high, 0-10)
■  ‘how would you rate the quality of the public healthcare system in your area?’ (low/high, 0-10)
■  ‘Certain people are given special advantages in the public education system in my area’ (agree/disagree, 0-10)
■  ‘Certain people are given special advantages in the public healthcare system in my area.’(agree/disagree, 0-10)
■  ‘All citizens are treated equally in the public education system in my area.’ (agree, rather agree, rather disagree or disagree, 1-4)
■  ‘All citizens are treated equally in the public healthcare system in my area.’ (agree, rather agree, rather disagree or disagree, 1-4)
Voice and Accountability-focused questions
■ ‘In your opinion, if corruption by a public employee or politician were to occur in your area, how likely is it that such corruption would be exposed by the local mass media?’(unlikely/likely, 0-10)
■ ‘Please respond to the following: Elections in my area are honest and clean from corruption.’
(agree/disagree, 0-10)
Corruption-focused questions
■‘Corruption is prevalent in my area’s local public school system.’(agree/disagree, 0-10)
■ ‘Corruption is prevalent in the public healthcare system in my area.’(agree/disagree, 0-10)
■ ‘In the past 12 months have you or anyone living in your household paid a bribe in any form to health or medical services?’(yes/no)
■ ‘In your opinion, how often do you think other citizens in your area use bribery to obtain public services?’(never/very often, 0-10)

In addition we included two further questions in the index – one about the fairness of regional elections and the other about the strength and effectiveness of the media in the region to expose corruption.

See also: http://www.qog.pol.gu.se/digitalAssets/1357/1357979_paper-describing-the-eqi-data.pdf

Finally, Prof. Sala Martín reminds readers that this study is not on levels of governance, including corruption, but rather on perceptions of these levels.

4 December 2107

Statistics for 3rd quarter of 2017, by autonomous communities.
Source: http://www.poderjudicial.es/stfls/CGPJ/REPOSITORIO%20DE%20PROCESOS%20POR%20CORRUPCI%C3%93N/DOCUMENTOSCGPJ/TSJs%203T%202017.xlsx

See also:


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