

Un robot va repetint un cicle de missatges predissenyats. Cada dos minuts, una piulada. És una campanya demanant un boicot turístic a Barcelona. Adreçada (ara) als congressistes del Mobile World Congress. Cap blog o web de suport. Cap manera de contactar-s'hi. Pura demagògia (i no entro en el fons). Preparem-nos pel 27-S!

Change Barcelona!


Barcelona bills itself as an innovative city. That's false. They crack down hard on Home Sharing. We want to put an end to that and invite you into our homes.
 Barcelona, Spain

Les piulades immediatament anteriors a 10:00 1/3/2015:

Change Barcelona! @ChangeBarcelona  ·  3 m Fa 3 minuts
"75% of all #Airbnb hosts in #Barcelona earn at or below Catalonia's average household income" yet govt BANS #HomeSharing #MWC #MWC15 1775

Change Barcelona! @ChangeBarcelona  ·  5 m Fa 5 minuts
#Barcelona is an old dinosaur that prohibits #HomeSharing and #CollCons. #DontVisitBCN @gencat @airbnb_es #MWC #MWC15 #MWCapital 1774
0 respostes 0 retuits 1 preferit

Change Barcelona! @ChangeBarcelona  ·  7 m Fa 7 minuts
#Barcelona punishes #AirBNB hosts instead of fining noisy tourists who rent. #NoInnovation #MWC @gencat @barcelona_cat @airbnb_es 1773

Change Barcelona! @ChangeBarcelona  ·  9 m Fa 9 minuts
#Barcelona uses excuse of rowdy tourists to crackdown on #HomeSharing with #gestapo Home Inspections to benefit Hotel Lobby. #corrupt 1772

Change Barcelona! @ChangeBarcelona  ·  11 m Fa 11 minuts
Amsterdam innovates. Paris innovates. #Barcelona does NOT innovate, is against #HomeSharing, and inspects PRIVATE homes! #MWC #MWC15 1771

Change Barcelona! @ChangeBarcelona  ·  13 m Fa 13 minuts
"#Airbnb is an important source of income for many low-income local residents" in #Barcelona yet gov't BANS #HomeSharing @airbnb_es 1770

Change Barcelona! @ChangeBarcelona  ·  15 m Fa 15 minuts

Change Barcelona! @ChangeBarcelona  ·  17 m Fa 17 minuts
Instead of fining noisy tourists the unimaginative BCN govt goes after Home Owners and cracks down on AirBNB with gestapo Inspections 1768

Change Barcelona! @ChangeBarcelona  ·  19 m Fa 19 minuts
#Barcelona cracking down on #HomeSharing while allowing Hotels to enter Tourist Apartment market #DontVisitBCN #corrupt #NoInnovation 1767

Change Barcelona! @ChangeBarcelona  ·  21 m Fa 21 minuts

Change Barcelona! @ChangeBarcelona  ·  23 m Fa 23 minuts
#Barcelona does NOT innovate! They are AGAINST #HomeSharing and inspect PRIVATE homes like the #gestapo! @MWC_Barcelona #MWCapital 1765

Change Barcelona! @ChangeBarcelona  ·  25 m Fa 25 minuts
#Barcelona fines #AirBNB €30000, requires licenses for #HomeSharing, yet does NOT give any licenses. #MWC http://www.thelocal.es/20140707/airbnb-fined-30000-over-illegal-apartments 1764

Change Barcelona! @ChangeBarcelona  ·  27 m Fa 27 minuts
#Barcelona Hotel Lobby has forced govt to crack down on #HomeSharing. Don't support #corruption! #DontVisitBCN until policy changes! 1763

Change Barcelona! @ChangeBarcelona  ·  29 m Fa 29 minuts
#Barcelona does NOT innovate and is cracking down on #HomeSharing! Don't support outdated policies! #DontVisitBCN #MWC @airbnb_es 1762

Change Barcelona! @ChangeBarcelona  ·  31 m Fa 31 minuts
#Barcelona City Council has caved to Hotel Lobby and is fighting #AirBNB! #corruption #NoInnovation #DontVisitBCN #MWC15 #MWCapital  1761

Change Barcelona! @ChangeBarcelona  ·  33 m Fa 33 minuts
#Barcelona is fighting #AirBNB with #gestapo House Inspections! #DontVisitBCN until govt changes and ppl have #FREEDOM @barcelona_cat 1760

Change Barcelona! @ChangeBarcelona  ·  35 m Fa 35 minuts
#Barcelona does NOT innovate! They are AGAINST #HomeSharing and inspect PRIVATE homes like the #gestapo! @gencat #MWC #MWC15 1759

Change Barcelona! @ChangeBarcelona  ·  37 m Fa 37 minuts
Barcelona is fighting #AirBNB with #gestapo House Inspections! #DontVisitBCN til govt changes and ppl have #FREEDOM! @airbnb_es #MWC 1758

Change Barcelona! @ChangeBarcelona  ·  39 m Fa 39 minuts
#Barcelona does NOT innovate! They are AGAINST #HomeSharing and inspect PRIVATE homes like the #gestapo! @barcelona_cat #MWC #MWC15 1757

Change Barcelona! @ChangeBarcelona  ·  41 m Fa 41 minuts
#Barcelona does NOT innovate and is cracking down on #HomeSharing! Don't support outdated policies! #MWC #MWC15 @barcelona_cat 1756

Change Barcelona! @ChangeBarcelona  ·  43 m Fa 43 minuts
Barcelona is fighting #AirBNB with #gestapo House Inspections! #DontVisitBCN til govt changes and ppl have FREEDOM! @airbnb_es #MWC15 1755

Change Barcelona! @ChangeBarcelona  ·  45 m Fa 45 minuts
"75% of all #Airbnb hosts in #Barcelona earn at or below Catalonia's average household income" yet govt BANS #HomeSharing! #dinosaur 1754

Change Barcelona! @ChangeBarcelona  ·  47 m Fa 47 minuts
#Barcelona is an old dinosaur that prohibits #HomeSharing and #CollCons. #DontVisitBCN @gencat @barcelona_cat @airbnb_es #MWC #MWC15 1753

AirBNB va ser multada l'any passat per la Generalitat... per no regularitzar la seva situació.

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