
Disgraceful bigots

Real Madrid's Catalan-speaking goalkeeper Kiko Casilla was told to reply in Spanish to a question asked in Catalan by TV3 reporter Sebas Guim at the press conference after Real Madrid's last home match. Other questions, in French, Portuguese and English, posed no problem at all.

A Canadian sent them this letter by email:

'Dear Real Madrid,
Why in the world would you stop Casillas from speaking in Catalan?
What is wrong with him speaking in another language?
No wonder Catalans want their own country! Can you blame them when you treat them like this? You are disgraceful bigots.
Or is this just residue from Real’s fascist past?
R. Davidson’

In reply, some hours later, Dr. Davidson was advised by ‘Rodrigo’ to express his opinions in a public forum. That is why he contacted VilaWeb.


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