
"The Catalan Plan". FT Video

FT Reporter Clips has just posted an 80-second summary of ...

The Catalan Plan: Six not-so-easy steps to independence

However, instead of being factual, it adds snide remarks which are in some cases highly questionable, and a frivolous reference to football, which, to my knowledge, does not form part of any "six-step" plan.

[traducció catalana més avall)

"1. Write a constitution. 
  • The government in Barcelona says it will soon start work on drafting a new Catalan Constitution. This will be put to a referendum.
2. Build a state structure.
  • A tax authority
  • A social security system
  • A foreign minister
  • A diplomatic service
  • A new 'public bank' (sic) to serve as the interlocutor with the European Central Bank
  • All of these new instuitutions need to be established within the coming 18 months  
3. Move smoothly to a new legal system.
  • The new government must ensure a smooth transition from Spain's legal system to that of a future Catalan republic [whose coat of arms, incidentally, will certainly not include a regal crown!].   
  • It is not clear how they can manage this. 
4. Drum up diplomatic support.
  • There is currently no support in the European Union for Catalan independence.
  • The new Catalan leadership wants to change that - and encourage decision-makers abroad to put pressure on Madrid.
5. Forge a deal with Madrid.
  • Most Catalan leaders agree (sic) that independence is only achievable if Spain allows a binding referendum on secession - Madrid has repeatedly ruled this out.
  • Even if that stance changes, the two sides would have to negotiate a division of assets and liabilities. This includes the thorny issue of how to split the country's public debt. 
6. Decide the fate of El Clásico
  • The future status of F C Barcelona may seem trivial but it would be of huge importance to Catalans and Spaniards. 
  • Legally teams from an independent Catalan state could not play in La Liga. 
  • This would end one of the greatest clashes in world sport - Barça v Real Madrid - unless Catalonia could win an exemption from the rule."

My remarks.

The whole plan has been meticulously drafted, with hundreds of laws, decrees and other measures foreseen to ensure a smooth process. The White Paper on the National Transition of Catalonia includes all of the reports prepared by the Advisory Council on the National Transition and a summary of those made by the Secretary of the Council. A synthesis in English is available here.

The Catalan Constitution, once drafted, will be put to a referendum. Unless agreed by Madrid, civil servants could lose their jobs and politicians barred from public office, which is why it would have to be held under Catalan law (which Madrid would once again be quick to refer to the Constitutional court).

Article 1 on the Constitution will state, in effect, that Catalonia is an independent sovereign state. 

As to "most Catalan leaders", the Unionists are totally against any referendum on independence being held (and even call for devolution to be quashed if necessary); some of the "Federalists" accept that Catalonia has (like Scotland or Quebec) the right of self-determination, so they agree to a referendum but would campaign against independence, and the pro-independence camp, who hold an outright majority of seats in the Catalan Parliament, are perfectly well aware of what the the road map lays down, should Madrid continue to stonewall Catalonia's democratic path to independence.

Finally, the reference to Barça is frivolous. "El clásico" (which is a neologism) could still be held were top teams from Spain, Andorra (which plays in the Spanish league), Portugal and Catalonia to share a super-league; this is not a new idea at all. Meanwhile, the Spanish authorities are busy fuelling the flames of a war against Barça on many fronts: taxation, fines for booing the Spanish national anthem and/or waving pro-indy flags, etc. No love's lost.

 Traducció meva:

1. Escriure una constitució.  

  • El govern de Barcelona diu que aviat començarà a treballar en la redacció d'una nova Constitució català. Aquesta serà sotmesa a referèndum.
2. Construir una estructura estatal.  

  • Una autoritat fiscal 
  • Un sistema de seguretat social 
  • Un ministre de Relacions Exteriors 
  • Un servei diplomàtic 
  • Un nou 'banc públic' (sic) per servir com a interlocutor amb el Banc Central Europeu 
  • Totes aquestes noves institucions necessiten ser establert dins dels propers 18 mesos
3. Moure suaument cap a un nou sistema legal.  

  • El nou govern ha de garantir una transició fluida del sistema legal d'Espanya a la d'una futura república català [l'escut d'armes, per cert, és segur que no inclou una corona reial!].  
  • No està clar com es pot gestionar això.
4. Aconseguir suport diplomàtic.  
  • Actualment no hi ha suport a la Unió Europea per la independència català.  
  • El nou lideratge català vol canviar això - i animar els prenedors de decisions a l'estranger a pressionar Madrid.
5. Forjar un acord amb Madrid.  
  • La majoria dels líders catalans estan d'acord (sic) que la independència només es pot aconseguir si Espanya permet un referèndum vinculant sobre la secessió - Madrid s'ha pronunciat en contra en repetides ocasions.  
  • Fins i tot si aquesta postura canvia, les dues parts haurien de negociar una divisió d'actius i passius. Això inclou l'espinós tema de com dividir el deute públic del país.
6. Decidir el destí del Clàssic 
  • El futur estatut del FC Barcelona pot semblar trivial, però que seria de gran importància per als catalans i els espanyols. 
  • Legalment, els equips d'un estat català independent no podrien jugar a la Lliga.  
  • Això posaria fi a un dels grans enfrontaments al món de l'esport - Barça v Real Madrid - a no ser que Catalunya pogués aconseguir una excepció a la regla.

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