
Ràdio Sant Adrià

Documents importants per al procés cap a la independència de Catalunya (per a la meva intervenció en un programa de Ràdio Sant Adrià). Enregistrament: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B18UK0nMsoQWUllFNVpWenhBYzA/view?usp=docslist_api



Today is a very special day for Catalonia

Dear friends,

Today is a very special day for Catalonia. The two parliamentary groups that had independence as the main point on their September 27th election manifesto hold 72 out of the 135 seats in the Parliament of Catalonia which is holding its first ordinary plenary session today. They are jointly presenting a draft resolution, which will presumably be adopted later this morning, which announces the start of the 18-month period leading to independence. Unless the text is amended at the last minute it will instruct the Government to write to the Spanish government and to the European Union to offer to negotiate this process in good spirit. 



  • Volíem un serè debat sobre els avantatges i inconvenients de quedar-nos a Espanya.



05/11/2015 17:39

El CSIF convoca mañana una manifestación de funcionarios contra la independencia... [+]

Spanish newspaper report about ECB pressure

El BCE mete presión a seis bancos para que abandonen Cataluña. Llamadas desde Frankfurt al Área de Relación con Supervisores del Santander, BBVA, CaixaBank, Sabadell, Bankia y Popular: “Fuera del euro, no tendréis financiación”



Un acadèmic xilè, arran d'unes recerques seves, em fa aquestes quatre preguntes "con el objetivo de fomentar la conciencia cívica y la autodeterminación". Em deia que "El problema actual está en que no hay mucho espacio para el debate [constitucional] en Chile".