
Associated Press in Madrid: How to distort what Catalans want

How can the Associated Press's Madrid office possibly claim that "Polls show that Catalonians (sic) are evenly divided over independence" when YAYs are over 56% and NAYs barely reach 20% according to the latest relibble source, and YAYs have been at least 20 points ahead for several years? http://bigstory.ap.org/article/catalonia-declares-itself-sovereign-entity

This falsehood is appearing in media throughout the world! It has been disseminated by 

The truth is to be found in many places, such as here:


This survey has n=2500! The margin of error is thus very small indeed (+/- 2·0%)

More specifically, the tables are here: http://ceo.gencat.cat/ceop/AppJava/loadFile?fileId=21132&fileType=1 on page 26. 

39. I més concretament, si demà es fes un referèndum per decidir la independència de Catalunya, vostè què faria?

(More specifically, if a referendum were to be held tomorrow to decide on the independence of Catalonia, what you you do? 

Votaria a favor de la independència           1425     57,0% (I'd vote in favour of independence)
Votaria en contra de la independència        512     20,5% (I'd vote against independence)
S'abstindria / no aniria a votar                    357     14,3% (I'd abstain / I wouldn't go to vote)Altres respostes                                        15       0,6% (Other replies)No ho sap                                               154       6,2% (I don't know)No contesta                                              38       1,5% (No reply)
See report on this latest official survey: http://www.catalannewsagency.com/news/politics/support-catalonia’s-independence-grows-and-polls-say-pro-independence-parties-would-wi  

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