
"All digital newspapers in Catalan won readers in March"
Comunicació21 informs that in March all the digital newspapers in Catalan won readers compared to the previous month, according to the audit carried out by OJD Interactiva.

This is good news!

1. Ara.cat 705,903 usuaris únics (+8% more than in February)
2. 3cat24 (506,135, +28%)
3. Avui (433,240, +18%)
4. VilaWeb (421,766, +15%)
5. El Punt (361,816, +14%)
6. Nació Digital (265,659, +33%)
7. Racó Català (236,.399, +9%)
8. Diari de Girona (228,858, +23%)
9. Directe!cat (188,428, +51%)
10. Crònica.cat, 173,.769 (+3%)
11. Regió 7, 127,146 (+11%)
12. Lamalla.cat, 97,391 (+29%)

No other digital papers have over 50,000 readers.

There are other very popular digital newspapers such as El Periódico de Catalunya, e-noticies.cat, Debat, etc. that bring out editions in both Catalan and Spanish, but whose readership in each language is not auditted separately.

For more information (in Catalan) click HERE

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