Per uns països catalans lliures. Adherit a la campanya de bloggers: "Jo també vull un estat propi"
CATALONIA ISN'T SPAIN: leading Spanish executive says so!
The Spanish car manfacturer, SEAT, names its models after towns: Málaga, León, Toledo, Ibiza, Marbella and Córdoba. Their factory in Martorell (Catalonia) is to bring out a new model before the end of this year, and a name has to be chosen for it.
At a meeting of the chairman of the board, Francisco García-Sanz, with journalists at the Spanish embassy in Berlin, he said jokingly that they've run out of names of towns and cities.
ACN (Agència Catalana de Notícies) reported that a fair number of those present, including the Spanish ambassador, Gabriel Busquets-Aparicio, laughed out loud when, in reply to a remark by a (Catalan) journalist to the effect that no car has been named after a Catalan city, Sr. García-Sanz said that "we are Spanish".
When reminded that the SEAT factory is in Catalonia, he said that the factory couldn't be taken to Madrid, and repeated that "we are Spanish".
Sr. García-Sanz is also a member of the Volkswagen group board in Wolfsburg (Lower Saxony).
La internacionalització de l'esport català
Llegeixo una excel·lent notícia a Nació Digital (24 d'abril de 2008), que ens arriba de Lausanna (Suïssa):
"El Tribunal d'Arbitratge de l'Esport (TAS) ha donat la raó a la Federació Internacional de Bowling, en el contenciós que va plantejar la Federació Espanyola en contra del reconeixement internacional de la Federació Catalana de Bitlles i Bowling. El TAS, doncs, ha avalat l'oficialitat de la selecció catalana de bitlles i "bowling" i ha confirmat la Federació Catalana com a membre de ple dret a la Federació Internacional.
De fet, l'ens federatiu català va ser reconegut oficialment el mes d'agost passat com a membre de ple dret internacional. Però la Federació Espanyola va recórrer al TAS, al·legant que les lleis de l'estat espanyol impedeixen aquest tipus de reconeixement.
En aquest cas, el TAS ha estimat que prevalen els estatuts de la Federació Internacional i així la Federació Catalana seguirà com a membre de ple dret internacional i podrà competir en els diferents tornejos que s'organitzin."
Això és una excel·lent notícia!!!
La sentència es pot llegir aquí.
Would the UK army regard it as a sign of contempt if the UK prime minister appointed a Scotsman or a Welshman to head the Ministry of Defence?
I have done my best to translate the news item from the Spanish press: a military association regards the appointment of a Catalan (woman) to the post as a sign of contempt!
A.M.E. sees "contempt" in Chacón being put in charge of Defence, for being "a woman, Catalan and pregnant"
MADRID, 12 (SERVIMEDIA) The Asociación de Militares Españoles (AME) stated today that the appointment of Carme Chacón as new minister of Defence means a "contempt" for the Army for being "a woman, Catalan and pregnant".
In declarations to Servimedia, the president of AME, José Conde, confessed to having been “shocked” when he heard that Zapatero had chosen Chacón as minister of Defence, since it seems as if he wants "to annoy" the soldiers.
Conde stated that they "are many things" that make him reject the appointment of Chacón, since several of her characteristics make her hardly compatible with the post she is going to occupy.
Besides criticizing the "ignorance" of the military career that Chacón has, he warned that a Catalan is not the most suitable person to be minister "given what may happen" when the Constitutional Court issues its decision on the appeal against the Statute of Catalonia.
"It is clear that the armed forces have to defend the unity of Spain and, if the Statute breaks it overnight, what is going to happen? Besides, after the burning of the photos of the King, Zapatero appoints a Catalan. “Does he mean this to be a provocation, or what?", added.
Conde criticized that a pregnant woman is going to be minister of Defence when "many men and many women could be chosen from" but he admitted that that is a "temporary" problem.
Finally, the president of AME asked Chacón to make the right decisions in her new post, and to listen to the demands of the soldiers’ associations.
(SERVIMEDIA) 12-APR-2008 PAI/jrv
Adéu siau, amic Rafael
Avui m'arriba la trista notícia de la teva mort. No tinc paraules. En Rafael, membre corresponent de la Secció Filològica de l'IEC des del 28 de febrer de 2006, deixa un llegat cultural de gran nivell acadèmic: pocs aspectes de la història i vida alguereses havia deixat sense estudiar a fons. Alhora que faig arribar a la Fillj i als seus fills el nostre condol, espero que tot allò que havia treballat, i que encara no ha vist la llum, pugui ser recuperat per altres estudiosos de la ciutat catalana de Sardenya.
Rafael parlant i recitant versos en un acte d'homenatge a la música castellonenca Matilde Salvador (2007):